
Found an error in ChatGPT

Ughhh!  I find errors in everything.  So exhausting to always find so much incompetence on this rock.   I've been using OpenAI ChatGPT for a few weeks.  Turns out the dumb thing gets clung onto conversational themes.  Mostling clinging onto American bullcrap.   I started themed questions that would make ChatGPT think that I was somewhat suicidal.  The dumb thing got stuck on the theme of suicide and now assumes that I am suicidal.   What a bore!  Human made crap with a bunch of flaws.  

Apple Keyboards Suck

The keyboard for my iMac sucks so much that it just broke.  I have never had a PC keyboard break.  But leave it up to the shit that Apple manufactures for the keyboard that came with my iMac to break.  Typical of the garbage designed by Americans.  

A bug in Microsoft Excel

Just found a nifty error in how Microsoft Excel is coded.   When I enter a credit card number, 16 digit credit card number ending in 4, Excel removes the 4 (last digit) and replaces it with a 0.  No matter how many times I enter it as a 4 Excel removes the 4 and replaces it with a 0.   I tried reporting this coding error to Microsoft but I am not wasting hours of my day on some idiotic Live Chat with a Microsoft Support Idiot trying to convince the Idiot that the bug is in their software and not on my Mac.  #MicrosoftSucks

TikTok links Spyware

TikTok texted links are being used to crack your Android phone and spy on you.  How do I know? A friend of mine sent me a TikTok link via text.  Today he just happened to mention something that is on a picture that I took at the gym.  I haven't told anyone about that and have not shared that picture with anyone.   Don't click on TikTok links that anyone texts you until someone at Google patches this security hole.  

Gay Men on has been ike walking the wine isle at my local Walmart; ample quantity but little to no quality. Roughly 70% of the matches are not what I am looking for and they just keep coming. I signed up on in May 2020 and purchased what they call a Premium subscription. I have a month left before the package renews at an exorbitant scam of over $200 a year. There's no way in hell that I will ever renew this or sign up again in the future. Here's my take on the virtual catalog of hot messes. allows you to set preferences and parameters for who you want to be matched with. Day in and day out, a bunch of junkies, the "420 friendly" crowd, keeps showing up as matches even though I have selected to not be matched to that trash. I have selected certain education and family structure parameters, yet the site keeps sending my way divorced hot messes who dropped out in the six grade with a circus full of kids. Even straight men who are 'trying o...

Poverty in 2021

 In 2021... The sound of poverty:  A car muffler The smell of poverty:  Exhaust fumes from a car The look of poverty:  You in a gas station filling up the tank You need to level up!

Microsoft needs to be federally regulated

On Sunday, December 20, 2020 Microsoft Corporation executed a takeover of my Microsoft 365 account.  An account for which I pay.  Microsoft claims that I have violated their Services Agreement but I have not.  I am very familiar with their Services Agreement.   As such, Microsoft has blocked me from communicating.  In ever sense, they have taken my e-mail address, which I have had for years, and will give it to someone else.  This is the equivalent of someone illegally porting a telephone number to someone else.  This would be similar to me not being allowed by a corporation to send mail over the US Postal Service.  The time has come to regulate Microsoft under the regulatory powers of the Federal Government.  Regulatory fees and all related expenses will be absorbed my Microsoft shareholder dividends.   The work has already begun.  

The Chevrolet Volt Dealer Service Scam

If you own a Chevrolet Volt, you are being scammed. At least once per year, in states that require auto inspections, you will notice that the check engine light comes on and a message is displayed in the dashboard reading: "Service high voltage charging system."  The car will not allow you to charge it.   The message makes it appear as if there is an issue with the car's charging system.  But there is no issue.  The dealer which services your car has scammed you at some point.  They have scheduled the car's onboard computer to register error code p1e00 which is a Manufacturer Control code.   A manufacturer control code is used to force you to take action; in this case to bring the car in for service.  Guess what happens next?  The dealer's service department will charge you a fortune to repair what is not broken.  In some instances, they will even claim that the onboard charge controller needs to be replaced, costing you around $3,0...

Trump's Final Stance

US President Donald Trump is currently finalizing a strategy to interfere with the November 2020 Presidential Elections in the United States.  He sees this election as his final chance to clench onto four more years of power and install enough "associates" to execute an effective overthrow of the Republican government of the United States of America.   This is his strategy: In October 2020, Trump will have a close family member infected with COVID-19.   Trump will then parade his concerns all over the media.   Trump will appear worried and agitated for the welfare of his family member in front of the cameras.  Behind the scenes, he could care less.   Two weeks prior to the November 2020 Presidential Election, Trump will place the United States under federal martial law under the guise of a quarantine lockdown. The lockdown will last 6 weeks overlapping the 2020 Presidential Elections.    Trump will deploy government agents that...

Extraterrestrial Reptilians

The town of Odessa, Texas is home to one of the largest underground and above group reptilian locations on planet Earth (Terra). In 2019 I was contacted online by a reptilian entity that has an above ground dwelling in Odessa, Texas.  I had apparently become known to them although I live half a world away from them. We connected in person.  He was able to "morph" into a human appearance although at times my thoughts could make his appearance change.  I don't think that he was comfortable with the degree of control that I apparently had over him.   At one point, while we were traveling and in the mountains of Asheville, North Carolina, he had no choice but to show me his real skin.  He tried to maintain a human appearance but I made his reptilian skin show.   Human eyes were very difficult for him to recreate.  His real eyes were always visible.  They were a dark red color; similar to a fiery blood color.  Very strange and not at all...

This Democrat Supports President Trump

I am a Democrat, a liberal, a socialist that abhors the cancer that is capitalism.  In case you have not noticed, capitalism has destroyed the United States.  So much so, that it should be considered a national security threat to the United States.  I support President Trump.  I support him because he has yet to launch a false war against any sovereign nation.  Obama, on the other hand, authorized the slaughter of Syrians.  Bush, destroyed world order and launched two false wars.  President Trump, on the other hand, has busted his ass trying to negotiate peace and harmony with the savages that are running this world into oblivion.  He can't be controlled and that's why the Washington political swamp wants him impeached. More power to my President!